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MAHE has a wealth of resources that can be used by education professionals to benefit from them in order to drive excellence in the education sector. As a result it is only natural that teachers and other education professionals can access these resources to empower themselves.


Teachers can access these free lesson plans, classroom resources, revision guides and curriculum worksheets. Whether you are looking for SEN teaching strategies and approaches, VCOP activities, or secondary classroom activities, you can choose from 1000s of teacher resources, access them for free and adapt them to suit your classroom activities.



Leadership may be defined as the capacity to influence people, by means of personal attributes and/or behaviours, to achieve a common goal. Experience suggests that successful leaders do not invariably behave in identical ways. They may, in fact, act very differently even in similar situations and they may have quite different personalities. Moreover, different leadership qualities may be needed in different circumstances. 


As a Leader of your School, you should be conscious of the fact that individual traits or behaviours alone cannot fully explain leadership effectiveness. More research into the role of followers and the quality of the relationship between leaders and followers is now available. With that knowledge in mind, leadership has been described as a process, or as a capability of the organisation (rather than individual), emphasising the interplay of leaders, followers, and the organisational context that impact leadership effectiveness.


Kindly register with us to keep you updated about our other free resources that could be helpful to you. Current downloads available :


1. The 7 success tips for Principals

2. Time Management Strategies

3. Stress Management


With regards,

MAHE – Manipal Group


Click here to download the above resources



Current downloads available :


1. The 7 success tips for Principals

2. Time Management Strategies

3. Stress Management


Click here to download the above resources

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